The Rhode Island Red chicken breed was developed during the middle of the 19th century in the New England, the states of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Enthusiasts bred a delightful mixture of Red Malay Game, Leghorn, and Asiatic stock. Captain Tripp brought back a stunning Malay rooster from his voyages in 1854 and cooped it up with his domesticated hens. Voila! The offspring were rather splendid, laying eggs like there was no tomorrow, and these birds are equally satisfying as dinner!
Tripp talked with his collaborate, John Macomber, the two began crossbreeding the two breeds, their prized creations were affectionately termed “Tripp’s Fowl” or “Macomber”. Isaac Wilbour, a poultry breeder later went on to brand them Rhode Island Reds and in 1904 they then joined the American Poultry Association’s hall of fame.
Rhode Island Red Appearance
The Rhode Island Red is a dual-purpose marvel, is well known for their delightful eggs and incredible meat. This bird has an absolutely stunning plumage (feathers) – a lustrous combination ranging from deep red to shadowy black. With a tad of chestnut, most also have a sprinkle of black in the wings and tail.
Their comb – can be single or rose-comb, brandishing a vivid red. Their Earlobes and wattles, the most dashing in the avian kingdom, don the same dazzling shade of red. Their eyes are reminiscent of a sunset – red-orange, like fiery embers. Beaks of a reddish-brown hue complete the picture, along with feet and legs that sport a yellow color with a hint of red on their toes and shanks.
The Hens typically weigh in at 6.5 to 8.5 pounds. The Roosters robust and stout, tipping the scales between 8.5 to 9.5 pounds. The Rhode Island Red carries its self with divinity.
What color eggs do Rhode Island Reds lay?
The Rhode Island Red lays eggs that are brown! From light coffee brown to dark earthy hues.
How many eggs do Rhode Island Reds lay per year?
These hens can grace you with 5-6 glorious eggs per week, adding up to roughly 250-300 eggs in a year. There are two strains among Rhode Island Reds: the ‘production’ and the ‘heritage’. Production birds are quite the overachievers in egg laying, while heritage birds are not as well known for egg production, producing fewer but over more extended period of time.
At what age do Rhode Island Reds lay?
A Rhode Island Red hen typically begins their roll as an egg layer at around 18-20 weeks of age. However, some have been known to begin laying at ass early as 16 weeks! Their egg-laying career is entirely dependent on the strain, some lay for long periods of time others for only a couple of seasons.
Rhode Island Reds Temperament?
These birds are inquisitive as a detective and bubbling with life, they are friendly and reasonably docile with other breeds of chicken until provoked. They take the middle to upper position in the pecking order, and they absolutely love foraging for treats in wet soil a constant search for bugs and seeds. They are not above snapping up an unsuspecting frog or mouse, either.
This breed is an incredibly easy keeper, they’ll thrive in conditions that would make other breeds turn up their beaks. Rhode Island Reds, are the adventurers and survivalists of the chicken world. They do well in confinement or free-range, always active but never too fussy. Chicken-keepers describe them as “amiable sleuths”, hardy and resistant to ailments. Beware, though, as mites and other parasites are an issue.
Is A Rhode Island Red A Good Chicken For You?
If you’ve read all of the above information an are still trying to understand if the Rhode Island Red is a good match for you and your flock, here’s some things to remember as a recap. They’re remarkable egg layers depending on their strain, in fact they’re renowned in the world of being dual purpose as being the champions of egg-laying. They’re sturdy as all get out, they’ll laugh in the face of a lack luster diet so you must feed them good! They have incredibly adventurous personalities, so they’ll bring some serious life to your coop.
These guys absolutely love to forage, every single day they’re on a constant treasure hunt for bugs, seeds, frogs, small mice, some have even been reported to snatch up baby snakes. The versatility of the Rhode Island Red means they will flourish in your back yard or in a barn, they don’t requite much. They’ll eat nearly anything (basically applicable too most breeds of chicken), however the Rhode Island Red will do it with pride. Heat tolerant and easy to care for, they require little more than food, water, and shelter to thrive.
In summary, if you are in search of a feathered friend that’s hardy, lively, and bound to keep your egg basket full, look no further than the Rhode Island Red.